Below is a description of a 285 hp MM 3700 M30 Rally engine.
3657cc = 95mm bore x 86mm stroke
Compression ratio 10.5:1
Machine carried and hand mixed for a 16% flow increase over stock.
290° duration dual profile cam with 10.75mm lift. This cam produces a broad powerband and smooth idle.
MM's patented Surface Swirl (ST) looks like concentric grooving. It is done to the valves and combustion chamber walls. This increases fuel economy and makes the engine run cleaner. In addition, ST reduces detonation to prevent head gasket blow-by & head cracking.
Special dual valve springs prevent valve bounce at high rpm by increasing seat pressure and prevent valve train wear & rocker arm breakage by reducing thailand email list nose pressure.Dual chamber spray bar
MM helps prevent the #1 exhaust cam lobe from wearing out.
Manganese bronze valve guides and Viton valve guide seals for long life.
New rocker arms inspected.
Earnings explained:

The ported M30 head, with 16% more flow, increases cylinder fill and adds a 10% increase in torque throughout the entire power band.
The MM Rally cam has a larger intake lobe than the exhaust. This makes for a broad powerband. Increasing the upper RPM of the engine without sacrificing low-end torque and a smooth idle.
Our patented surface swirl helps break up and remix liquefied fuel particles along the combustion chamber walls for more complete combustion. As a result, our engines are more efficient. They run cleaner, don't sacrifice fuel economy, and aren't prone to detonation.