Also, the ability to measure and the possibility of creating personalized services tailored to the client but at a low cost. Advantages of Digital Marketing Due to the characteristics that the Internet brings to Digital Marketing , we can clearly attribute the following advantages: Global: Once your product is positioned on the Internet, anyone from anywhere in the world can access it. Interactive : The Internet is a two-way communication channel, therefore Digital Marketing is as well.
In this way, communication between companies and consumers has been maximized, especially since the emergence of social networks. Perfectly measurable : which are slow to carry out and expensive. Now, they are collected immediately by monitoring the actions that the user performs directly on the internet. It allows obtaining personal, preference and usability data that, properly analyzed and managed, allows the creation of more efficient actions.

Hyper Segmentable : Thanks to the large amount of information collected about Internet users, it is possible to diversify marketing actions much more. We can aim for increasingly more outlined and defined objectives. Today, we segment campaigns incorporating new geographical, time and access device variables. GUIDE Guide on how to make a Digital Marketing Plan Discharge Strategies and tactics in Digital Marketing For me there are three key activities in digital marketing : The first thing is to attract qualified traffic to the website, which is carried out by the traffic manager or digital traffiC quer .