In an Inbound Marketing strategy, understanding lead prospecting is essential to continue a series of activities that will lead unknown users to become loyal customers.
This is because prospecting potential customers includes several Barbados Email List marketing strategies, such as the sales funnel concept, the use of tools such as CRM and many others.
Everything so that the objective of attracting new customers — or leads — is achieved and the company can obtain the best results in each action it takes.
In this article, we’ll show you what lead prospecting is and how to do it effectively. Keep reading!
What is lead prospecting?
How to find potential customers?
Choose the right platform
What is lead prospecting?
Lead prospecting is nothing more than attracting potential customers. This strategy seeks users who have a profile of the company's ideal customer and may or may not be familiar with the brand.
There are more qualified leads and less qualified ones, but in a way, they all enter your company's funnel because they show some interest in what you have to say.
To understand what a potential customer is, you need to know who these people are. That’s why defining a persona is so important for this strategy.
However, it is important to understand that potential customers are not always ready to make a purchase.
As we said above, leads that do not have qualified assets will depend on the user's alignment with your company's persona and the stage of the purchasing journey they are in.
Lead prospecting does not deliver a list of customers ready to buy, in fact, it distributes a catalog with potential people and the company must create methods to attract them — through a sales funnel app , for example.
How to find potential customers?
Now that you understand what lead prospecting is, it's time to learn how to find these people in the market.
To do this, we have prepared the three main steps to have successful prospecting in your company.
- Know who your persona is
Understanding your company's persona is the first step to understanding how and for whom to position the content offered in the sales funnel.
A persona is a detailed description of your ideal customer. Consider not only data like age, gender, and location, but also information like:
Internet interests;
Hobbies and more.
By defining who the persona is that your company was developed to serve, you will know the correct approach.
For example: instead of using serious terms for a young person, aged 18 to 25, who regularly uses the internet, having this profile outlined will make it easier to create communications with more colloquial language and even using memes and topics that have gone viral.
- Use lead capture tools
Today, there are tools available on the market that can create effective lead capture forms. They help with everything from creating pages to tracking leads on the internet.
All of this contributes to your strategic results and improves team productivity. Not to mention that many of the lead control steps are also done through marketing automation systems.
Still talking about these tools, we can mention the use of Sales CRM .
In short, CRM is software created specifically to optimize and improve customer attraction and retention strategies. This is because this system is capable of gathering, filtering and delivering reports on potential customers.
And the best part: it is currently possible to use free CRM systems to test and pay for the full version of the one that meets all your company's needs.
- Develop content for each stage of the customer journey
In addition to defining the persona profile, it is important to discover the stages of the sales funnel and understand the moment of each lead.
Users in the discovery and learning phase are less likely to convert to your landing page, so it’s best to create content for this group that’s educational in tone.
This way, you can build a relationship with these potential customers and position yourself as the brand they consider choosing to solve their problem.
In short, provide content at each stage of the funnel that can pique the interest of potential customers.
Therefore, it is important that you study as much as possible about the sales funnel and, thus, understand what language to offer at each stage.
Choose the right platform
Finally, it is important to emphasize the importance of choosing the right platform to prospect leads. Today, the most common formats are blogs specialized in your company's field, Google ads and social networks.
However, this analysis must be done very carefully. Try to identify which one is most used by your persona and, together with the CRM plan — if you have one — it will be possible to efficiently define where to make the content available.
Thus, little by little your company will stand out in the market and potential customers will appear.