Dear readers, It's an impressive development: companies worldwide spent $13.8 billion on influencer marketing last year - more than twice as much as in 2019 . Advertisers in Germany are comparatively hesitant here. But the trend is clear here too: more and more companies are spending ever larger sums on their influencer marketing . While in 2018 only 12 percent of German companies were willing to invest more than 100,000 euros in influencer marketing, in 2020 the figure was already 25 percent. Those: So that you stay up to date when it comes to influencer marketing, we will give you some information and inspiration in this newsletter. 1. Dethroned: Google is no longer the most visited website For years, Google was the absolute top dog on the web. That's over: in 2021, the Chinese social network TikTok pushed the Silicon Valley giant out of the top spot - at least when it comes to the number of website views.
Do you only know TikTok from hearsay? Then you are not alone, because in Germany the app, with which users can share short cell Night Clubs and Bars Email Database phone clips, did not even make it into the top 10. But the rapid rise of the platform shows: It is high time to deal with TikTok. In the blog we show you how to use the hype for your marketing . Those: 2. How food brands continue to reach their customers Advertising for food and other fast-moving products is primarily done at the point of sale - i.e. in the supermarket. Anyone who orders such goods via delivery services such as Gorilla, Flink and Co. can no longer be reached by the brands. Influencer and social media marketing can fill the resulting communication gap .

Brands can create direct purchasing impulses via digital channels. Do you need advice on this topic? Then please contact us. Those: 3. Influencer marketing for the pharmaceutical industry Advertising for pharmaceutical products is subject to strict legal regulations. Most industry giants therefore hold back on influencer marketing. The situation is different for smaller companies in the nutritional supplements sector, for example: They demonstrate that collaboration with influencers can also work well in the health industry - provided that the “pinfluencers” have specialization and credibility .