The most shocking example of cyber crime is data theft on the largest e-commerce site in Indonesia. Hackers succeeded in breaking into customer data, such as cellphone numbers, names and addresses. This data is used by perpetrators to seek profit. So, how did the perpetrators succeed in hacking e-commerce customer data? As explained in the first subtitle, e-commerce often carries out data mining to obtain certain information patterns. Data mining is also used by e-commerce to help product marketing.
Because data mining occurs every time a customer registers or logs in, the number automatically increases. This data can also be obtained at mexico telephone directory time when customers access the site. Some data also comes from websites connected to e-commerce, such as email accounts and web analytic tools. The most frequently used hacking technique is Email accounts. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many hackers used fake emails. The email account has the theme of Covid-19 medicine.
there are 200,000 emails with the theme of healing Coronavirus Disease. The fake email is connected to a site that requires users to register or log in. Automatically, users enter their email address and password during registration. This is where the data theft case started. Apart from exploiting users' emails and passwords, hackers also use tax refund tricks from the government. There are around 200 emails that use this theme.